Our experience and specialty is concentrated in crisis resolution and risk management through the application of the latest and most modern intelligence and counter-intelligence techniques, comprehensive security and protection procedures. With the development of ad hoc strategies for countries, companies, citizens and other institutions, including advice, consultancy, permanent support, on-site operations, equipment, development of protocols, development and training in safety culture consistent with the times we live in, in addition to training in all aspects that include the resolution of high-risk global conflicts, providing and executing comprehensive security strategies with a presence in global crisis scenarios, in various regions of the world.

With extensive and recognized international experience, our scope of action includes all the components that comprise Security, Intelligence and Defense, both at the level of rapid, intelligent and effective resolution of severe crises accompanied, if necessary, by on-site operations (ground troops) focused on the rapid and effective resolution of conflicts of national, international and regional scope, developing and executing proactive defense strategies and response to threats and attacks, anticipating the present and future needs of our global clients in a proactive, reactive, efficient manner. , professional, responsible and based on a high level of specialization in each discipline.

Our organization is an active part of various institutions specialized in Security and Defense, among which we can mention some such as:

Global Risk

OISCOT: Observatory
of Security,
Organized Crime
and Terrorism


UNITAR Platform
(United Nations
for Training
& Research)

European University
Miguel de Cervantes

University Global
Peace USA

We serve global clients and markets by meeting their expectations and improving their skills and resources to minimize their risks in dynamic and complex environments. 

Our experience and performance includes various scenarios, particularly Latin America, Africa and Europe where we have designed security activities, consulting, cooperation, action focused on peace and international development.

We are at your service to provide various services in the areas of Comprehensive Security (Public and private), Defense, Intelligence and Cybersecurity. For more information write us here.