We offer all kinds of Security Protection and Training services for professionals, private companies and public bodies.

  • Protection and Security Services to Personalities, Dignitaries and Executives.
  • Development of Security Plans, Protocols and Risk Analysis.
  • International Security And Protection.
  • Operational Tactical Intervention.
    Intervention Protocols, Operational Defense, Tactical Procedures.
  • Obtaining Operational Tactical Intelligence.
  • Decision Making and Security.
  • Security and Corporate Intelligence.
  • Conflict Resolution in Risk Zone.
  • Strengthen self-protection in hand-to-hand combat situations, increase their operational capacity in tactical procedures.
  • Development of intelligence and geostrategic plans and situations.
  • Represent special conditions that can be found in the theater of interventions, operations or extremely dangerous situations. 
  • Development of interventions or missions in high-risk areas at the national or international level.
  • Development of Scenarios.
  • Security and Corporate Intelligence.
  • Conflict Resolution in Risk Zone.
  • Emergencies and Rescue.
  • Surveillance and Counter-surveillance.
  • Evacuation.

We also provide services and training in the following disciplines:

  • Tactical shooting.
  • Canine Security, (Services, Training and Rescue) Counterterrorism
  • Cyber security
  • Urban Insurgency
  • Rescue
  • Police Protocols
  • Mass control
  • Counter-surveillance units
  • International Course Active Shooter Protocol A.V.A (Violent Armed Attacks). 
  • Operational Training in Hostile Environments